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Arizona Wilder – Full Interview

Arizona Wilder was brought up from birth as a mind controlled slave within the reptilian controlled secret society networks. She was involved in countless Satanic Rituals during her life, where she witnessed reptilian hybrid shapeshifters, including members of the British royal family, politicians and famous celebrities.

Her mind control programming eventually broke down when she reached adulthood and she started to remember her experiences with the help of a therapist with experience of Satanic Ritual Abuse. During the research for his book, The Biggest Secret, David Icke was introduced to her and Revelations of a Mother Goddess was the follow up in-depth interview recorded and released in 1999.

Jeanette Archer – Full Speech

Much like Arizona Wilder, Jeanette Archer, was born into a Satanic cult and was held captive up unto the age of 22. She is a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse and MK Ultra super soldier mind control programming, and at 28 years old, she started to recover her memories .

Since 2021 Jeanette has being speaking out publicly about her Satanic Ritual Abuse experiences which involved reptilian shapeshifters at the highest levels of government and the British royal family.

Jeanette Archer’s website –

Sandra Fecht – Full interview

Sandra Fecht is a Canadian counsellor who has worked with many survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse during her career. She began to see similar themes in the accounts of her clients as they relived memories of these Satanic Rituals.

During this interview with Freeman Fly, at FreemanTV, Sandra discusses how her clients recounted experiences with reptilian beings during their abuse and involvement at these Satanic Rituals.

You can visit Sandra Fecht’s website Here

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